John Grenfell & Son
John Grenfell & Son Funeral Directors
Funeral home at 4 Sussex St, Blyth, EN NE24 2AY
John Grenfell & Son Funeral Directors are an independent locally owned family firm in the North East of England who have been undertakers for four generations. We provide help and support 24 hours a day and can visit families at their own homes to arrange and advise on any aspect of a funeral required.
John Grenfell & Son contacts
Categories | Funeral home |
Address | 4 Sussex St Blyth EN NE24 2AY Get directions |
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John Grenfell & Son website info
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Website title: John Grenfell & Son Funeral Directors
Website description: John Grenfell & Son Funeral Directors are an independent locally owned family firm in the North East of England who have been undertakers for four generations. We provide help and support 24 hours a day and can visit families at their own homes to arrange and advise on any aspect of a funeral required.